Observational Study Info:
The Use Of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions In Treating Cancer
The Leading Edge Clinic is participating in an Observational Cancer Care Study funded by Rebuild Medicine. The study is designed to assess the effectiveness of Ivermectin and/or other repurposed drugs for cancer treatment, primarily the remission of malignant tumors. Patients who are already undergoing cancer treatment may be eligible to receive these repurposed drugs along with their current treatment plan.
This research project will follow patients’ care for a five year period, which will provide researchers insight into the safety and effectiveness of adding these repurposed drugs to treatment regimens, as well as other drug and metabolic therapies provided by our practice in patient treatment. While practitioners may use a variety of repurposed drugs and functional medicine approaches, including dietary interventions, Ivermectin will be the core additional medication used in most research subjects. Depending on your circumstances and wishes, you may concurrently receive “conventional” cancer treatments while participating in this study.
The Rebuild Medicine data collection team will be contacting patients specific milestones: six-months, twelve months, eighteen months, twenty-four months, three years, four years, and five years following patient entry into study. If at any time, a patient is lost to followup, the team will contact the patient by telephone to obtain updated information about the study.
Cancer Care Handbook
The Role Of Repurposed Drugs And Metabolic Interventions In Treating Cancer is Dr. Paul Marik’s amalgamation of research into the existing scientific evidence behind: 1) the metabolic theory of cancer; 2) the role and safety of over 250+ repurposed drugs and over 2,000+ repurposed supplements to treat cancer summarized into recommendations for and against; and 3) the role of metabolic interventions such as dietary changes, exercise, sleep, and sunshine. Learn more about the science behind the therapies being observed in the study
Learn About Our Treatment Program
Our Adjunctive Cancer Care webpage contains information for patients about appointments, support, and cost. If you are thinking about becoming a patient and enrolling in the study, please read more about our care here.
Why Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions?
In this substack article, Dr. Kory discusses the nearly lost history of research behind The Metabolic Theory of Cancer, which is the driving theory behind how we approach and care for patients with our adjunctive cancer care program. Research began in the 1920s by Dr. Otto Warburg, was continued, and eventually validated through others that found the missing pieces through studies unintentionally proving this theory’s hypothesis – that metabolic dysfunction and oxidative stress originating in the energy producing centers of the cell cause the downstream effects that we refer to as cancer.