The pandemic was rough on us “right-wing anti-vaxxers.”
(Who knew being consistently right would be so exhausting?)
You might have felt alone at times—but you never were.

Meet your tribe.

Yankee Doodle Soup is a collection of essays by a diverse group of writers with one thing in common: something positive to say about the pandemic. (Really! Those were the rules and the collaborators obliged enthusiastically and expertly.)

Contributors range from well-known doctors and scientists to speakers, podcasters, authors, attorneys, and editors. There’s an Emmy Award-winning former news anchor, a bridal gown designer, a whistleblower, a rock band, and one “pissed-off, childless, married woman of a certain age who didn’t do anything meaningful in her life until [Covid].” The essays are warm, witty, wise, wondrous, and exactly what the world is hungry for right now.

The book was conceived and edited by Jenna McCarthy (co-author of The War On Ivermectin, by my practice partner, Dr Pierre Kory). She has written twenty books, given two TED talks, spoken to groups across the country, served as a staff writer and editor at top women’s magazines in New York and LA, ridden in the back of a pickup truck in a lawn chair, filmed a book trailer in the bathtub, and gone scuba diving with sharks (on purpose). If you ask her daughters her greatest accomplishment, they’d probably say “being interviewed by Khloe Kardashian on the Today show.” Despite this, Jenna would say her daughters are her greatest accomplishment. Yankee Doodle Soup is her first anthology. It may or may not be her last. 

Submit your tin foil hat photo to to be featured in the gallery and for a chance to win a free book!

Please consider buying the paperback or e-book using my contributor code MARSLAND. I contributed an essay titled “Where is God?” Go to

Books will ship the first week in June. (That’s when ebooks will be available for purchase as well.) Paperbacks will ONLY be sold through the website, proceeds from which will go to hard working writers like me. Use my contributor code, which is my last name, MARSLAND. If you have enjoyed my Substack, Lightning Bug, over the last six months, please support my work by purchasing this book from the website. Ebooks will be available through Amazon and Apple, with ZERO royalties to the writers. 


Laraine Abbey-Katzev

Margaret Anna Alice

Alyosius Barton

Cammy Benton, MD

Erin Cole

Sarah Cook

The Defiant

Sheila Dempsey, PhD

Tamara Dorris, MA

Angela Doss

Will Falconer, DVM

Harry Fisher 

Brit Galvin

Jenny Glick

Just Think Podcast

Laura Kasner

Karen J. Kolberg

Pierre Kory, MD

Karen Lorre

Scott Marsland, FNP-C

Jenna McCarthy

Maureen McCarthy

Brenda Miller

Mel Meyer

Alina Niemi

Zoey O’Toole

Bill Rice

John Richardson, Jr.

Tara Ricketts, MS

Jessica Rose, PhD

Barbara Rush

Frances Scott

Zahra Sethna

Isabel Shaw

Noelle H. Sproul

Kevin Stillwagon

Helena Summer

Candace Lynn Talmadge

Ben Tapper, DC

Leslie Taylor

Dave Thimmel 

Alexa Tuttle

Brad Young

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