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We All Got Fooled Again

2023 02 05

I discovered that I, like so many of us, failed to see Newsweek’s “Scientific Community Apology” article published this week for exactly what is was – pure propaganda. Again. They just won’t stop.

5 Covid Mistakes Biden’s New Chief of Staff Must Admit

2023 02 01

Just published another Op-Ed on, the 3rd most visited news site in the world. I laid out just 5 of the Covid mistakes made by our Federal government that they should own, but likely won’t.

The Republican House Must Investigate the Government’s War on Doctors

2023 02 05

I discovered that I, like so many of us, failed to see Newsweek’s “Scientific Community Apology” article published this week for exactly what is was – pure propaganda. Again. They just won’t stop.

Ivermectin Case To Be Heard By The Wisconsin Supreme Court Today
2023 01 17
A potential precedent-setting case may allow hospitalized patients to request and consent to specific medical treatments, even over the objection of doctors and hospitals.
Establishing “Standards of Care” in Medicine – Part 2
2022 12 16
A largely autobiographical journey down memory lane of my prematurely ended academic career.
Establishing “Standards of Care” in Medicine – Part 1
2022 12 16
A largely autobiographical journey down memory lane of my prematurely ended academic career.
A Timeline of Major Battles In the Global War on Ivermectin – Part 1
2022 12 06
My chronology of the Disinformation tactics deployed to paint ivermectin as an ineffective horse dewormer against Covid. Largely taken from the ever-evolving keynote lecture I give at conferences
The Timeline of Major Battles In the Global War on Ivermectin – Part 3
2022 12 06
The final phases of the Disinformation war on ivermectin kicks into high gear with the launch of the “Horse Dewormer” public relations campaign followed by the publication of Pharma corrupted trials.
The Timeline of Major Battles In the Global War on Ivermectin – Part 2
2022 12 06
In the wake of the FLCCC press conference, Senate Testimony and review paper retraction, suddenly Merck fires the first public salvo in the Disinformation war by posting brazen lies on their website.
Critical Thinking in The Age of Censorship Pt. 1
2022 12 04
An Introduction to Medical Epistemology
2022 12 01
Given space limits, I could only address a fraction of the many questions pertaining to his enactment of policies which have caused a humanitarian catastrophe.
The Global Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin – The “Blitz”
2022 11 06
The “Blitz” is a Big Pharma Disinformation tactic defined as “harassing scientists who speak out with results or views inconvenient for industry.”
A Day In The Life Of An Ivermectin “Advocate”
2022 10 28
In my version of Robert Malone’s “Friday Funnies,” I thought I would share a humorous email exchange I had with a massive list-serv group of physicians on the topic of ivermectin and horse poop.
The Publication of Fraudulent Ivermectin Meta-Analyses and Editorials by the High-Impact Medical Journals: Part 2
2022 10 23
While censoring positive studies of ivermectin, the journals published fraudulent studies to try to “prove” ivermectin was ineffective. It is a well-known Disinformation tactic called “The Fake.”

The Publication of Fraudulent Ivermectin Trials by the High Impact Medical Journals – Part 1

2022 10 18
While censoring positive studies of ivermectin, the journals published fraudulent studies to try to “prove” ivermectin was ineffective. It is a well-known Disinformation tactic called “The Fake.”
The High-Impact Journal Editors Harassment Of The World’s Leading Clinical Researcher of Repurposed Drugs in the COVID Pandemic – Part 3
2022 10 08
The FLCCC’s Flavio Cadegiani performed one of the highest-quality studies in COVID, finding unprecedented reductions in mortality with proxalutamide. He has been under attack ever since.
The High-Impact Journal Editors Harassment Of The World’s Leading Clinical Researcher of Repurposed Drugs in the COVID Pandemic – Part 2
2022 10 08
The FLCCC’s Flavio Cadegiani performed one of the highest-quality studies in COVID, finding unprecedented reductions in mortality with proxalutamide. He has been under attack ever since.
The High-Impact Medical Journal Editors Harassment Of The World’s Leading Clinical Researcher of Repurposed Drugs in the COVID Pandemic – Part 1
2022 10 08
The FLCCC’s Flavio Cadegiani performed one of the highest-quality studies in COVID, finding unprecedented reductions in mortality with proxalutamide. He has been under attack ever since.