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Female Hormone Evaluation

Peri-menopause or postmenopausal symptoms range from anxiety, irritability, poor sleep, mood swings (especially prior to menses), hot flashes, night sweats, heavy, painful and irregular menses. Hormone testing is done prior to the first appointment and reviewed by provider before the appointment.

You will have a one-on-one discussion with the clinician discussing results and related symptoms that are negatively affecting your quality of life. Provider and patient establish a treatment plan that best suits patients needs, lifestyle and goals. A follow up visit in 6 weeks is included to make sure you are on track to achieve optimal hormone balance.Bio-identical hormones are identical to the molecular structure of your naturally produced hormones. This is important so that cell receptors can accept hormones for adequate cell function. Synthetic hormones look enough like the original hormone that they attach to the receptor but do not have the lock and key mechanism to get into the cell. In fact, synthetic hormones block the receptor site which prevents natural hormones from attaching, getting into the cell, and doing their job. This leads to symptoms of anxiety, irritability, poor sleep, mood swings (especially prior to menses), hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, heavy, painful, and irregular menses.
Hormone evaluation involves hormone testing that is done prior to the first appointment and reviewed by the practitioner before the appointment. You will have a one-on-one discussion with the clinician to review results and related symptoms that are negatively affecting your quality of life. A treatment plan will be established that best suits your needs, lifestyle and goals.

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How to book an appointment

A nurse will contact you to help you schedule an appointment and collect payment. Appointments will not be confirmed until all tasks have been completed and payment has been confirmed.